Responsible and effective use of personal data in NGOs

In two online sessions, participants will get practical guidance on how to make responsible decisions on the use of personal data in every day work. We will present examples and a framework for making decisions around personal data in NGOs, which can be adapted to the individual context. Participants will learn how to mitigate risks associated with data and how to develop their own data policy. We will not focus on technical and legal guidance such as GDPR, but give easy-to-use practical advice for staff of Development NGOs using and collecting data in their work.

The two online sessions will take place on two consecutive days and involve presentations and interactive as well as individual exercises. Reading materials will be provided before and after the training.

Amber Macintyre, researcher at Tactical Tech, will facilitate the workshop. She draws on her experiences researching the ethical and effective use of personal data in NGOs within Tactical Tech’s project Data & Activism.

Participation is free of charge. The number of participants is limited. The training will be held in English.

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